Accelerating Change in Interview Techniques

The traditional recruiting process included screening resumes, interviewing candidates, checking references, and ultimately, making an offer. The recruiting process over the past decade has incorporated technology. Companies have included skills and personality assessments, on demand interview software, and video interviews.

The pandemic, however, has pushed companies to be even more creative with the interview process to include virtual reality interviews, job auditions, or drive through career fairs to hire talent. Let’s further investigate some nontraditional interviewing techniques.

  • Virtual reality interviewing may sound like a video game; however, companies are using it as a cost-effective recruiting tool. Virtual reality can simulate on-the-job experiences and test skills of the candidate using simulations that would be encountered throughout the normal work day
  • A job audition is a simulation for the role also known as a white board test, case study, or some other form of skills assessment. The goal of the interview is to replicate a daily situation or problem that is the normal aspect of the work day for the open position. This type of interview removes bias and allows the employer to make performance-based decisions.
  • Drive-thru job fairs are especially effective in the manufacturing, light industrial, utilities, warehouse, and administrative sectors. Drive-thru hiring events take place “on the spot” or “grab and go.”
    • The advantage to the “on-the-spot” interviews is that an interview is extended to the candidate without them ever leaving their car. Don’t forget a copy of your resume for this event!
    • At “grab and go” events, job seekers pick up a bag with a brochure about the company, a job description, and an application that can be filled out online while in their cars at free Wi-Fi designated spots.

Not only has the way interviews are being conducted changed, but also the questions have changed. Job seekers can expect a mixture of traditional, behavioral, and non-traditional questions. Non-traditional questions typically do not have a single “correct” answer. The reason for asking these types of questions is to find out how candidates solve problems.

    • Google often asks, “Why are manhole covers round?”
    • Apple asks, “If you were a pizza delivery person, how would you benefit from scissors?”
    • Damian Birkel, Founder & Executive Director of Professionals in Transition® Support Group, Inc. recommends companies ask questions such as, “How many ping pong balls would fit into a Boeing 747?” Or, “You have just fallen into a large bowl of salad. How do you get out?”

Recruiting, interviewing and hiring will continue to include technology.  Job seekers today need to be comfortable interfacing with various tech platforms, video interviewing, and solving problems in real time. Learn more about non-traditional interview techniques.

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